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the feeling after penis enters

The Reaction of Women After the Penis Enters

What’s the feeling after the penis enters?

The curiosity is there for everyone, and it is said that women are much better than men when it comes to sex, but where is the pleasure. When a man’s penis enters a woman’s bottom, what kind of state is her vagina in and what does it feel like to make her feel good. What exactly is a woman’s sensitive body, which undergoes a series of changes during sex.

Some women find this sensation empty, empty, and unpleasant, but others find it to be the sensation that gives great and intense pleasure. Of course, whether or not you want penis penetration to that part of the body at this moment is entirely your personal preference. For most women, the feeling of “vaginal longing” is less intense when there is penis penetration in that area; the penis seems to have a “comforting effect” and dissipates that longing, so it all depends on whether you want to experience that feeling.

Some women don’t have vaginal cravings for intercourse, so what do they feel?

Let’s hear it.

“I feel deep down the urge to wrap it around me and thrust his penis into me.”

“During the stage when erotic excitement is aroused, there is a strong desire in my vagina – that desire to be penetrated, which, by the way, disappoints me again if it is satisfied.”

“The absence of intercourse after clitoral stimulation left me feeling empty, my vagina throbbing and crying out for being filled.”

“At first I stimulate my clitoral area, spreading the skin there and pulling it upwards so that my vagina feels open, it longs to be filled, or to be penetrated – but if it is filled or penetrated, then the whole feeling is destroyed, maybe it’s a particularly general feeling Maybe a particular part needs to be touched – oh! The feeling is strongest at the moment of orgasm, but if my vagina is penetrated at that moment, I lose all the wonderful sensations.”

“During clitoral stimulation, my vagina becomes very aroused, and then I start craving contact there (either penis penetration there, or just finger penetration for touch).”

“Sometimes during the process of masturbation, I would feel the strong urge to shove something in there – and usually that result always disappointed me.”

“Just at the moment I reach an erotic climax, I have a wonderful aching sensation inside my vagina.”

“Yes, the two erotic orgasms feel different, but it’s hard to explain them clearly. The vaginal penetration orgasm is more like a storm that subsequently subsides, while the orgasm without vaginal penetration is still a desire.”

“My vagina feels like a ‘cave of desire’ when an orgasm is approaching. But as long as I don’t put anything in there, the orgasm gives me intense pleasure (or at least a particularly definite pleasure). If I put something in there my pleasure dissipates – I feel less eager for a second orgasm, but also less satisfied.”

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