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7 Kinds of Sex Techniques

Nowadays, people’s openness to sex is greatly improved, which makes a lot of people are exposed to sex in advance, but the knowledge of sex is relatively lacking, now many couples in sex, every time is the same, long time is difficult for both sides to reach orgasm, serious words will lead to problems in the relationship between the two sides, so what to do?


Others lovemaking time is not longer than us

The sex depictions in instructional films or adult novels are simply considered “sex marathons”, and if you take this to compare, the men around us may be premature ejaculation, but the truth is that the individual differences in intercourse time are very large, about 2-15 minutes or so.

If the sex time is relatively short, you can not draw the conclusion of premature ejaculation, first consider removing the pressure from your body. In addition, sometimes it helps to change the position, the stimulation of the penis is not too strong. In terms of age, younger men will end up faster, but as they get older, they have more experience and skills and are better at controlling their time.

Why does the vagina make a sound like a fart during lovemaking?

Vaginal blowing, also known as “pussy blowing”, occurs when the penis presses air into the vagina during intercourse, and when this air is expelled, it makes a fart-like sound, which is an embarrassing moment, especially the first time you have sex.

There used to be a belief that this was an indication of a woman’s vaginal laxity, but now some experts have come up with a new idea: if blowing occurs, it is at least an indication of a pleasurable sexual experience, as it usually happens when the vagina is well lubricated.

Why do you cry after an orgasm?

Orgasm is a process of great psychological and physical release, and different people will express it in different ways, moaning, screaming, or even crying. It is not at all surprising to cry if one reaches extreme mental pleasure and relaxation. No need to be embarrassed, it shows at least one thing, that your sex is not boring at all.

The clitoris is too small, does this affect orgasm

If someone said to you, “You have a small nose, this will affect your olfactory function.” You’d laugh at their stupidity. The same goes for the clitoris. Size has little effect on the ability to feel orgasm. The clitoris becomes engorged and swollen after sexual arousal and is significantly enlarged.

Many women need to stimulate the clitoris to reach orgasm, and they, therefore, believe that orgasm is only about the clitoris, when in fact the uterus, vagina, and the entire pelvic muscles experience a series of rhythmic contractions when orgasm arrives, so there is no need to focus on the clitoris. Many scholars agree that the largest sexual organ is the brain, and this is especially important for women.

Why is it always not wet enough down there?

Not being wet enough is also a problem that many women feel confused about. For older women, this is a more common problem because estrogen levels are declining, and supplementing with estrogen or using a lubricant is a simple and viable solution.

If a younger woman is experiencing this problem, she may not be aroused enough, or not aroused long enough. However, this can also happen when there is inflammation in the vagina, and certain medications such as birth control pills can also cause a decrease in secretion.

Are we having too little sex?

According to a global survey conducted by a condom brand last year, the global average number of times a person has sex per year is 103, while the Chinese have sex 96 times. If you pay too much attention to this figure, the answer will probably be “yes”.

The key question is not how often, but why does it take so long to have sex. In a day when we are all stuffed to the gills and can’t breathe, the decrease in the number of times we have sex actually has little to do with sex itself.

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